Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Incompletes and Tolerations...

ok, so I didn't do my homework last night, so I'll do it now at lunchtime insterad of going downstairs to the cafe and ordering my grilled cheese with bacon and onion rings...

Well, nevermind.. I don't get the homework. It's way too introspective and ugly gross. So maybe I do get it but am too scared to complete it. Maybe today's homework will be easier. Sucks to start off with something that fills me with fear to confront. Aren't things supposed to start out easy...?

dammit. I suck. I live in fear. no wonder I'm fat. *sigh*

Wait.. here is today's exercise... I CAN do this!!!!

"Why not choose one tiny, bite-sized healthy thing to do today. The smallest [goal] you can think of. And then make it even smaller!! Perhaps, take a walk – a short walk; or eat a piece of fruit. Nothing too big, please.The smaller the better. "

Today's teeny tiny goal: I will drink water with my lunch.

stay tuned!

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