Wednesday, September 17, 2008


OK, yesterday's endocrinologist appt was postponed until next tuesday. Gives me time to get the blood drawn that I was supposed to get drawn. I got that done this morning when I went to see my GP. We decided to keep me on the Prozac at 10mg daily (instead of every other day) for 2-3 months until I get a support network set up. By that she means for me to go find a therapist and get into a daily meditation/yoga practice so that, the next time we yank the happy pills, we can know that I'm supported. I have been a weepy mess pretty much all week.

Eating has sucked. Yesterday it was Panda Panda for lunch (well, for breakfast, too--I eat nothing until lunchtime these days), and then a plate of nachos for dinner (just tostitos and cheese, and not that many, as I killed the bad, but you know...). Today's lunch was salt and vinegar chips, then dinner was Wahoo's--3 fish taquitos and a steak quesadilla. No veggies or fruit either day. And no exercise, either.

I just have no interest in anything right now. It's a struggle to leave the house. Must re-up the meds...

Kristin is at a conference this week, so I don't expect to hear back from her until the weekend. I am fully ready to say, "I can't sign a contract because I wimp out. If that's not OK, I need to go elsewhere." I still have my appointment with HMR next week, so if it falls through with Kristin, I have a back-up plan.

Tomorrow I will exercise. Beyond that, I cannot say. I am not interested in eating fruits and veggies. Well, I am interested, they just don't sound at all appealing.

Call Janice. Do it. You'll feel better.

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